University of Belgrade

The University of Belgrade is the oldest university in Serbia and the largest in this part of Europe. Founded in 1808, it consists of 31 schools, 11 research institutes, 8 centers, Computer Center and the University Library with more than 3.500.000 volumes. It provides education in Sciences and Mathematics, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, with 310 study programs, 85,762 students, 3,032 academic and research staff, 3,239 papers in 2012 on SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists, numerous publications and scientific and research projects. The University disposes of 11 endowments and 7 funds for supporting the best students. The University of Belgrade has served its people, and its former students and teachers have greatly contributed towards the development of cultural, scientific, educational, political and economical life of our country.

The mission of the University of Belgrade is to provide superior education and exceptional knowledge of students, not only in their intellectual growth and development, but also through growth and development of their human qualities, ethical and moral values.

Foundation year:1808
Short name:UB
Faculty/Students Ratio:30:1