Kyle Vogt

Kyle Vogt is an engineer, entrepreneur, and robotics pioneer who is redefining the future of human mobility. In 2013, Kyle founded Cruise Automation, which under his leadership developed the first all-electric fleet of self-driving cars that are currently on the road in cities across the U.S. After successfully graduating from Y-Combinator, In 2016, Kyle and Cruise partnered with General Motors to help scale his vision for a driverless future, and in 2018 secured a $2.25 billion investment from the world’s largest technology investor, Softbank. His interest in self-driving technology stemmed from competing in Battlebots at an early age and by 14 years old, Kyle had built a self-driving power wheels car that used a webcam, computer vision, and power window motor to steer to follow yellow lines in a parking lot. As an undergrad at MIT, he worked on the DARPA Grand Challenge where he co-led a team to retrofit a Ford F-150 with drive by wire capability and sensors. Prior to Cruise, Kyle co-founded Twitch (acquired by Amazon), Socialcam (acquired by Autodesk), and, where he gained a following through an MIT email listserv ‘call to action’ and hero coded the project. A native of Kansas City, Kyle studied computer science and electrical engineering at MIT.