Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University is a top-tier global research university that has been a birthplace of innovation since its founding in 1900. Our award-winning faculty work closely with students in the classroom, laboratory and performance studio to produce breakthroughs that impact people?s lives. Our students are recruited by some of the world?s most successful and innovative companies, from Broadway to Bangalore. Carnegie Mellon is recognized for its leading arts, business, design, engineering, science and technology programs, and also for its entrepreneurial culture. Carnegie Mellon alumni, students, faculty and staff have advanced their novel ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, creating more than 1,000 new companies around the world in the last 15 years. The university ranks first among U.S. institutions without a medical school in the number of startup companies created per research dollar spent since 2007, according to the Association of University Technology Managers. In addition to U.S. locations in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Silicon Valley, Calif., Carnegie Mellon has a campus in Doha, Qatar, and offers degree programs in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and Latin America. More than 95,000 Carnegie Mellon alumni around the world embody founder Andrew Carnegie?s famous words, `My heart is in the work`.

Carnegie Mellon will meet the changing needs of society by building on its traditions of innovation, problem solving, and interdisciplinarity. It is our mission to create and disseminate knowledge and art through research and creative inquiry, teaching, and learning, and to transfer our intellectual and artistic product to enhance society in meaningful and sustainable ways; to serve our students by teaching them problem solving, leadership and teamwork skills, and the value of a commitment to quality, ethical behavior, and respect for others; and to achieve these ends by pursuing the advantages of a diverse and relatively small university community, open to the exchange of ideas, where discovery, creativity, and personal and professional development can flourish.

Foundation year: 1900
Short name: CMU Type: Private
Students: 13030
Faculty: 980
Faculty/Students Ratio: 13:1
Region: North America
Location: Pittsburgh, PA